About Me

Hello, I'm Nathan

As a father, husband, son, brother and sporting enthusiast with a love for the ocean.

I am determined to EFFECTIVELY HELP PEOPLE to live in the MODERN DAY a BETTER WAY. That is to be “ FREESTYLIN”, and the DREAM QUARTERBACK of their lives. No matter what! 

This has evolved based on a passionate and profound journey as a Social Sciences, Physical Education, Pastoral Care Leader and Sports Teacher with over 28 years-experience across a multitude of educational institutions: Private, Public, Behavioural, Trauma-Affected and International.

No matter the teaching environment and school, it is not just important but a necessity to be a HEALTHY TEACHER! 


My Story

Nathan Shute's journey from being a dedicated teacher to embodying the spirit of a dream quarterback comes from a passion for education and sports and just helping people who want to be helped. And building winning teams. The experience below before a sabbatical to Brazil, made him realise he was meant for more, and more meant for others:

“In 2008 he was Head Coach of Knox Grammar School Athletics winning the Combined Associated Schools threepeat for the first time in 35 years and six times in an eight-year period between 2001 and 2008. This involved managing eight coaches and over one hundred and twenty athletes across six age divisions and one hundred events. At the same time, he was a Pastoral care leader of 200+ boys and Senior teacher of Geography guiding non- selective academic students to the top ATAR bands. However, he noticed something missing, in order, for people to work together harmoniously no matter what: the Manual to the Brain.”

His own childhood, and life timeline, whilst fortunate and privileged in many ways, included some traumatic events which lit a fire within to turn negatives into positives:

“To be a change in the World we need to see!”

Born in suburban Sydney, inspired especially by teacher Mum, sports loving Dad and Grandfathers who played for Australia and New Zealand. And motivated by a broken heart when losing his brother too young, just like his father lost his brother Doug at the same age. Both events left a lasting impression on him to help people:

“Do the modern day a better way.”

Brother Chris was the epitome of a Dream Quarterback: physically and intellectually gifted, representing Australia in sport and bestowed with immense responsibilities in Investment Banking. He was his hero! But in his last five years the way he saw the World got the better of him. He took his life in 2023.  

Uncle Doug died tragically too of a heart attack with a loving wife and three beautiful daughters left to navigate themselves on this planet without him back in 1986. Whilst they have proven to be resilient, he is determined to see such events avoided.

However, losing one of his best mates, Benny, to a heart attack in 2022, despite enjoying remarkable financial success and gorgeous family, further embedded in his DNA, a drive to make a difference!

“Nobody is getting off this planet alive, so that should free you up to go for dreams. And have your trillion-dollar brain and body working for you, not against you, with nothing to lose!” Today, Nathan is a family man, teacher, entrepreneur, first grade rugby referee and master’s athlete at fifty-one, with his best yet to come.

“And yours can be too! Let’s Get it!”

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0402 077 215